Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekly blog and More=)

• As I said on the last blog this is a continue of last weeks blog. I realized a couple hours ago that a bill was due soon so I couldn't wait until tomorrow to do the checkbook so I figured since the computer was on I would just copy and paste the blog entries over to an email and then send it to my posterous account. I have been really good on getting a bunch of reading done for RCP.  I really can't wait to be a Respiratory Therapist.  • LOL, my mother in law is a hoot! She got her tax refund and when I went near her computer screen she minimized her screen so I couldn't see it LOL. She only did that because anytime She walks in our room and I am doing the "books" like I was earlier I minimize my screen cuz she don't need to know. I don't care that she did that but that's funny she does that "stuff" all the time. Before I did it the first time she never did hehe. Anyways I came back upstairs to do some (REALLY!) research on my COPD presentation I have to do in class soon. OK, b4n=) •>>I really don't know why it's hard for me to "do" my goals!! I have A LOT of things that I would like to change but, why is it hard to do??<<
• I have something on my mind this morning. A couple of weeks ago I was at St. Joe's hospital for my orientation. There was one segment of one of the many video's I saw that stuck out. The video was on how to deal with different people and their belief system. One lady on the video was refusing service because she felt that her sickness was God's way of getting back at her and if she was to get better it was "He's will". Well to make the somewhat long story short. The nurse helped the patient to realize that maybe her being at the hospital was "God's Will". The little story the nurse gave the patient went somewhat like this. " There was a man who lived in a town that just had a major flood, In order to save himself this man got on his roof. As the water got higher and higher A rescue boat drove by to get him but he refused to get on. Then a helicopter flew by and he again refused to get on he was looking for God to save him. So when the man died and went to heaven God asked him why he died. The man said he was waiting on a sign from Him. God said "I gave you a boat and a helicopter, what else did you want?" The Point is He is always giving us a sign. I am not the most "religious" person out there I consider myself more spiritual but for some reason that was on my mind today. Well its been a long one today. I miss my bubby he will be home in a couple of hours, yeah!!! Well until tomorrow.
Today didn't start off well but, it did turn around fairly fast. I just recently unblocked two people on facebook who I didn't want in my life anymore because of a situation or an "almost" horrible decision on my part, I unblocked them NOT because I want them in my life which I still do not, but because one person is hard to avoid seen this person knows a couple of people in my family. And the other person is just a friend of this other person. Wow that was hard to kind of tell LOL anyways. I can't avoid the first one completely and it is not like we are friends anymore. I am not "on" facebook much anymore. I used to do all those games and whatnot's, that's to Posterous and Hootsuite I can say what I want to say without being "on". I just pop on when I want to see how someone I am friends with is. Anyways, my day started off odd because I had some bad dreams about these two people, I also slept in which I wanted to get up and go to the gym but that didn't happen. But, D and I got ready for the day went out to get something small to eat then went over to out landlords far again to help with a computer. I took some great pics of their animals. Anyways they then took us out for Lunch at this cool restaurant called Mondo's in Turlock.  Then D and I went grocery shopping and came home where I am back to studying for the night. I plan on going to bed with D and waking up with him tomorrow and going to the gym!!!  I will let you know how that goes tomorrow=) •OMG, my mother-in-law doesn't get a clue. D's "trying" to watch a show and she's just talks right through it!!
2-28-11 • It is totally a terrible thing that I wish we didn't friggen live with D's mom!! No, really I know its OK to feel this way, because it is not normal to have this living situation. Poor D he just got home and went upstairs to relax and his mom is flapping her mouth!! He picked up a fabric steamer today at work. It's looks like a good product. (See pics). Well I had a good morning and now I am getting back to studying so I can be with D tonight. Hopefully, I hear good news tomorrow about the program and if it's going to be cut or not. Until Tom=) • OK, Its in the plans for two weeks (or something like that) during our birthdays in Oct. 2013 D and I are going to Mackinac Island more tomorrow....
•OK right now I am in my lecture classroom just thinking about everything that is going on. <Back now in class I went to the computer room to find that Modbee article on the school cuts> I haven't spoken to Phil about it but, so far good news about the program. What is going on with me is just a lot of stress over getting in and out of this program with flying colors!! I want to do so much in my life like go to Mackinaw Island (Jane Seymour is D's favorite actress and on Mackinac Island is a Hotel called The Grand Hotel and she was in a movie called "Somewhere In Time") D's just has wanted to go their for a very long time and I wouldn't mind going. So that is like one place we need to go. Anyways, I am going to get to studying here again. I most likely won't go online when I get hope. I should work on some of my blog rolls but I also need to do laundry and study for this big test that is a week from today. I will most like work on the blogs when I get back from the gym tomorrow. Thursday we don't have to go to school Phil has a lecture to go to so I have more study time and I need to work on my Oral presentation too. Well I will probably write a little more tonight=)
It has been a good couple of days. Just studying for two big tests coming up.  I want to get no less than a B on BOTH tests!! Out sided of studying I have relaxed a little bit online with my blogs.  I am not going to have anything posted until a week from tomorrow. All my blog rolls and this will be done then, unless D's home and then the computer is his unless I need it for school then all that will be posted the next. I don't think anyone is holding their breaths!! LOL OK,  back to studying for me. B4N
I posted on HootSuite that is hasn't been a good morning and that I am dealing with a Monkey well here's the story on that..... That monkey is the falling back on my mom's old habits. She never though she deserved a good life so she settled for less.  And, currently and in the past I have been doing that too. Honestly success scares the shit out of me. What is funny is I am successful. I am total not in the same position my parents were in but, that can change anytime.
These last two day have honestly been odd or I should say I feel odd. Yesterday something came in the mail under my mother in laws name but we pay the bill. Well apparently, she read it and the bill is going up $5. I don't know why it is and we as in D and I should call but since her name is all over it!!! I really just wish we had our OWN LIFE!!<< Just for clarity I do not hate my mother-in-law she has done a lot of good stuff for us, and without her I wouldn't have my husband.  I just wish we had our own life, but we will just takes time and hard work on my part.  ;) winking

Check out my blog and check out HootSuite

KT Tunstall - Suddenly I See.3gp Watch on Posterous

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